Author: Jeanette Tikøb, webmaster.

  • No document services available in honorary consulate

    Passport: NO passport services available
    Visa: NO visa processing
    Documents: NO legalization services available

    Do you need help with passort/visa other documents ?
    – Please contact the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen.

    Address: Ryvangs Allé 14-16, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
    Telephone: (+45) 39 10 18 10 / (+45) 39 10 18 11
    Fax: (+45) 39 29 09 30 / (+45) 39 10 18 17

  • Czechia in the arctic / The Arctic in Czechia

    Czechia is located in Central Europe, but it is connected to the Arctic through its highest mountains. The Giant
    Mountains National Park is home to the southernmost outpost of the Arctic-Alpine tundra biome. What exists now has been preserved, in a modified form, since the last ice age and the monitoring of long-term changes to this biome is part of worldwide scientific research.

    While Czechia is not a very large country in terms of geographic size and its activities are more closely tied to the Central European region, it is also active in international fora concerned with the sustainable development of the Arctic. Czechia researches the Arctic ecosystem and, for this purpose, uses its scientific infrastructure in Svalbard.

    Czechia has a deep and abiding interest in maintaining the Arctic as a zone of continued peace and international cooperation, as well as in reducing the negative impacts of human-induced climate change in the Arctic. Because of Czechia’s long-standing and continuing interest in the Arctic, it is applying for Observer Status in the Arctic Council.

    Read the article in full here. (pdf)

  • Working Together for a Sustainable Arctic

    Czech Science in the Arctic

    Czechia has a long tradition of involvement in Arctic research. From the 1960s-1980s, a number of Czechoslovak scientific expeditions to the Arctic were organized and successfully completed.
    Since 1989, the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice has been involved in supporting ongoing Arctic research activities.

    Czechia has been operating its own Arctic Research “Josef Svoboda Station“ in Svalbard since 2015 and wishes to present the results of its work at international scene and for the benefit of Arctic science.

    Czechia publishes “Czech Polar Reports”, a semi-annual international journal of original research papers related to the polar regions.

    Read the article in full here (pdf).